Wednesday, September 16, 2020



SEPTEMBER 18, 2020



     Hello there!  What a pleasure it has been to have your children back in school for us to teach.  We appreciate your help with them wearing their masks daily.  The students have been so great to keep their masks on throughout the day and we hope they can continue doing this good until we are told that we don’t have to wear them anymore.  Please make sure the masks are being washed every 2 or 3 days, if not every day, if your child is wearing a cloth mask.  If  your child is wearing a disposable mask, please change it out after 2 days of wearing it.  The students do get mask breaks throughout the day and we hope this is a help to them; I know it is a help to us.  We want to encourage students to bring a water bottle to school.  They can fill their water bottle up at the drinking fountain but should not drink from the water fountain, directly.  Students get hot, especially wearing their masks all day and need to stay hydrated.  Please remember to keep your child at home if he/she is feeling sick, or has symptoms of COVID.  This will help us keep the school up and running.

    Google  We have noticed a few students getting onto the Google Classroom to complete assignments and we ask that they not do this until we have to.  Google Classroom is only to be used if the school shuts down and we go to virtual learning.  The students currently have access to those online resources just to help them become familiar before a shut-down. If a student is sick and has to stay at home for a few days, we encourage parents to email their child’s teacher to make arrangements for them to come into the school to get their child’s work.

     SEP’s are rapidly approaching and your scheduled time will be sent home Monday. Please notice the time we have scheduled for you and your child and let us know if that time works for you.  If the time doesn’t work, indicate a time and day that will work for you, and we will try to make that happen.  Please remember to wear your mask to the conference.

     We are so pleased with the amount of students that signed up for Orchestra this year.  Please make sure your child takes their instrument home with them on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so they can practice.  The instruments will be kept in their teacher’s office to keep them safe when they are brought to school. Other students that don’t take orchestra will be doing extra typing skills, times table drills and working on their Patriot booklets.  Orchestra students will be given a Patriot booklet, as well and can work on it at home; this booklet is optional to complete, but kind of fun to try to get the award for it at the end of the year.

     Our DARE program started and will go for 10 weeks.  If your child’s teacher didn’t get the permission slip back from your child, the they can’t let him/her sit in on the lessons.  If you don’t want your child to attend the class, will you please send in the permission slip indicating that?  Students that don’t attend the class will go into another class during the time DARE is being taught and will complete other work.

     With the weather getting colder, we ask that you help your child each morning in wearing clothes that will help them stay comfortable during the day.  If students wear shorts and short sleeves shirts on a windy, cold day and they don’t bring a jacket or a sweatshirt, they aren’t going to enjoy being outside during lunch break or afternoon break, and unless it is an indoor day, they will be required to stay outside.  We would appreciate your help with this.

Thank you so much for all of the help and support you give us teachers.  We do appreciate your patience with us as we know this year is a whole new learning experience.



                                                                          Mrs. Little, Mrs. Orton and Mrs. Sherratt

5th Grade Newsletter

  5th Grade Newsletter Monday, October 4, 2021 IMPORTANT DATES: Wed.,-Oct.,13th - Book report due Wed.,-Oct.,13th - All missing work due T...