Wednesday, January 22, 2020

January 22, 2020

Fifth Grade Newsletter
January 22, 2020


     Happy New Year to all of you.  Can you believe we are already half
way through the year?  It is crazy how fast time flies.
     We want to remind you of SEP’s coming up in two weeks. 
They will be held the first week of February. Conferences will
start that first Monday, February 3 to Friday, February 7.  Please
look for your scheduled time to come home with your child today, along
with a missing assignment report.   You will be registering your child
for 6th grade during your conference, so please be thinking, along
with your child, whether you want him/her to be in band, orchestra
or art next year.  These classes are the only electives you will need
to choose from. Each of our fifth grade classes will be having the
counselor from the middle school coming into our rooms to talk with
our students this Friday about what to expect for next year. 
The band and orchestra classes from the middle school will be
coming next week to play for us to get kids excited about joining, so
don’t be surprised if your child wants to sign up for band or orchestra next year.
     With Valentine’s Day approaching you should know that each
class will be having their own class parties and will have students
make their own Valentine catcher at home.  All students will need
to make valentines for everyone in their class, if they choose to
bring valentines.  
    The next progress report will be sent home on Wednesday,
February 12th. Please check with  your child daily to make
sure he/she is staying caught up.
     With the cold weather that we have been having lately,
we ask that you make sure your child comes to school dressed
appropriately.  A lot of students come to school in shorts and short
sleeved shirts with no jacket or coat to put on during break, and there are
days that they are required to go outside for a break and they can get really
cold.  This of course brings on sickness, which eventually is spread throughout
the classroom, so please make your child comes dressed in the right attire. 
     We appreciate all your help and support.


                                                                    Mrs. Little, Mrs. Sherratt and Mrs. Williams

5th Grade Newsletter

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